General Information
Phone Numbers
(254) 582-2119
Fax: (254)582-0112
Emergencies: Dial 911
214 East Elm Street
P.O. Box 568

Hillsboro Historic Preservation

The Hillsboro Historic Preservation Commission meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at Hillsboro Historic City Hall, 127 E. Franklin Street.

The following link shows the properties that are included in the Downtown and Residential Historic Districts:

Hillsboro Historic Properties 

Historic District Properties

*If you need instructions for searching the Historic Survey for the National Register of Historic Places please click the following link  How to Search Survey 

*If you are viewing the  Historic Survey for the National Register of Historic Places it could take a while to open, depending on your Internet Service Provider and connection speed*  

Hillsboro Historic Preservation Documents 

Certificate of Appropriateness Application (2016).pdf 

Historic Preservation Handbook (2014).pdf 

Historic Survey for National Register of Historic Places

Introduction Handout

Ordinance 04-01-01

Property Owners Guide

R2013-05-16 Historic Preservation Commission

Resource Manual Design Guidelines