General Information
Airport/Cemetery Superintendent
John Graham
Phone Numbers
(254) 582-3478
Emergencies: Dial 911
318 Morgan Street

8 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday

City Cemeteries FAQ

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A pavilion is located in each cemetery with a registry and location of those buried within that cemetery. This information is displayed on a kiosk at Ridge Park Cemetery, and on a physical list at the Old City Cemetery.

No spaces are for sale at the Old City Cemetery. Ridge Park Cemetery grave spaces sell for $600 each space if located along a road (road side spaces). All other spaces except for babyland are $550 for each space. Babyland spaces are $50 each.

Contact Cemetery Superintendent to purchase a curbing permit from the City. Once curbing permit is paid for, the City will arrange time to properly mark grave spaces for curbing and meet with grave space owner and contractor doing the work. Inspection of concrete forms will be done before concrete is allowed to be poured to ensure rules for curbing are met.

Owner of space or monument company contacts Cemetery Superintendent to purchase monument permit. Once permit is paid for, space will be marked for proper placement for the monument company.