Boards, Commissions & Committees

The following is general information regarding the City of Hillsboro’s standing Boards, Commissions, and Committees. All appointments are made at the discretion of the City Council. It is encouraged for all interested citizens to apply and become actively involved in their City Government. Applications are accepted at anytime, however it recommended to submit applications during the application period for current year consideration. Effective terms begin on October 1st for all new appointees and re-appointed members. Please feel free to contact the City Secretary’s office at 254-582-3271.

Standing Boards, Commissions & Committees 

Airport Advisory Board-Advises staff regarding the development and operation of the municipal airport 

Building and Standards Commission-advises staff and makes recommendations to council regarding code violations 

Economic Development Corporation-advises and negotiates industrial development

Hillsboro Housing Financing Corporation-Advises regarding the development and financing of housing

Historic Preservation Commission-Advises staff regarding development advises staff and makes recommendations or determinations regarding the preservation of historic resources

Library Board of Trustees-Advises staff regarding the development and operation of the public library

Main Street BoardAdvises staff regarding the development of downtown business and physical development and events

Parks Advisory Board-Advises staff regarding the development and operation of city parks

Planning & Zoning Commission-Advises staff regarding development and makes recommendations to Council regarding land use, development, and development policy 

Zoning Board of Adjustment-Advises staff regarding development decides special exceptions to the Zoning Ordinance


No delinquent indebtedness to the City. 
No family relationship within the second degree by affinity ( marriage) or within the third degree by consanguinity ( blood) to any member of the City Council or to the City Manager. 
No conflict between the appointee' s private interests and duties and their interests and duties as a committee member. 
Attendance at a minimum of 75 percent of all regular meetings.

For the current Policy Ordinance for Boards, Commissions, and Committees click here.

To Apply for a Board, Commission, or Committee download form click here.

You can Fax the completed form to (254) 582-0112 or email it to

Mail to:

City Secretary
214 E. Elm St.
Hillsboro, Tx 76645